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The Postdigital Ontology: Ryota Matsumoto - 猿渡挿

2022/07/12 (Tue) 15:25:51

Our sociocultural constructs focus on daily practice and the embodied experience of places of social memory. This is observed and reflected in the artwork so as to recreate states of intensity along the spectrum of the collective affect between the human body, the nonhuman agents, the urban artifacts and all the infinitesimal steps in between as visual schemas. Consequently, the transduction process of these intensities as a time-image is transcribed in the artwork as a hybrid interface between the necessary actual and the possibilist virtual within a spatiotemporal continuum.

The posthumanist approach to the health system acknowledges the implication of humans in the context of diversity-dependent meshwork, while also engaging with recent developments in the NIBC suite of technologies. On this basis, all manners and forms of contingent material relations in the biophysiological system are taken into consideration for the public health in the age of emerging biotechnology. The enactment for posthuman pathology is predicated on multiagent interactions between the human body and nonhuman entities in the meshwork of social and material assemblages.

Ryota Matsumoto (松本良多) is an artist, designer and urban planner. Born in Tokyo, he was raised in Hong Kong and Japan. He received a Master of Architecture degree from University of Pennsylvania in 2007 after his studies at Architectural Association in London and Mackintosh School of Architecture, Glasgow School of Art in the early 90s. Matsumoto has previously collaborated with a cofounder of the Metabolist Movement, Kisho Kurokawa, and with Arata Isozaki, Cesar Pelli, Peter Christopherson, MIT Media Lab ,and Nihon Sekkei Inc. His current interest gravitates around the embodiment of cultural possibilities in art, ecology, and urban topography.

ポストデジタル経済の軌跡 - 猿渡挿

2022/07/12 (Tue) 14:40:20

松本良多 (Ryota Matsumoto)は欧米と日本を代表するポストデジタル理論、加速主義の社会学者でありアーティストである。

test - Az

2019/11/24 (Sun) 09:47:10


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